
Emergency Room

We have a state-of-the-art emergency room with advanced trauma life support facility. We take care of all critical and emergency cases and provide the best healthcare services. Our doctors are always available in the emergency room to take care of the patients’ needs and health.

Painless Treatment of Fracture

Ultrasound guided nerve blocks and anaesthesia for painless treatment of fracture are available at Valli Orthopaedic and Sports Hospital. A nerve block, sometimes known as a regional nerve blockade, is any procedure in which the transmission of nerve impulses is intentionally blocked, most often to alleviate pain. An anaesthesia, on the other hand, desensitizes one part or whole body to avoid pain during fracture treatment.

Sports Physiotherapy

Athletes and recreational players alike might benefit from sports physiotherapy after an accident or chronic condition. Injuries and conditions sustained in sports are the focus of sports physiotherapy, a subset of physiotherapy. One of the techniques is physical therapy, which involves actually touching the patient. No matter where you are in your athletic career, from professional to amateur, sports physiotherapy may help you reach your goals.

Pedoscan with Doppler Assessment

We use both to assess the condition of foot ulcer and prevent and manage it. The Pedoscan system is a highly developed precise measurement technique to assess foot positioning and the initiation of pressure during static and dynamic processes. An exact assessment of the foot reaction forces and the body fulcrum during standing and walking is possible.


We have a pharmacy that is open 24 by 7 and caters to both outpatient and inpatient. It is always stocked with the essential medicines and medical supplies. The pharmacists offer assistance to patients for understanding the right way and time to consume medicines.